| Handling Disappointment and Discouragement A young son illustrates a loving way to deal with disappointment. |
 | Giving and Receiving The time leading up to and through the holidays is perfect for family discussions and impromptu conversations about giving and receiving. |
 | Sustaining the Spirit of Christmas As we start a new year, can we feel God with us? Are we 'living, moving' and 'having our being' in God? As a family, make a list of wonderful active words that remind and help each member of the family to express the Christ all year long. |
 | Christmas This Christmas let's take time to truly enjoy the holiday season and appreciate the spiritual meaning of Christmas. |
 | Sharing the Spirit of the Christ The perfect gift touches the heart and fills the soul. It comes from the giver listening, praying, and responding to each recipient's need to feel the presence of the Christ. |
 | The Spirit of Christmas The true spirit of Christmas is expressed through a love that's straight from God. It knows no bounds, it has no boundaries, and it keeps on giving. Try a different kind of countdown to Christmas this year! |
 | Sing Along for Christmas Joy Sing the story of Jesus' birth. As you read the Nativity story, think of carols that relate to each part of the story. Often there's more than one carol to sing, but all of them make for a joy-filled family time! |
 | A Story for All Time The living qualities of the participants in the story of Jesus' birth made them witnesses of a heralded birth -- one that changed the course of history and still leads humanity to a better life today. |
 | Gifts for the Christ Child In celebration of the Christ child's birth, join in a family activity to offer gifts from the heart to one another and to others. These might include gifts of peace, comfort, love, forgiveness, and joy. |
 | Angel Gifts A gift given to a worthy cause in a child's name is a wonderful way to expand on the true meaning of Christmas, and to introduce the joy of giving as much as of receiving. |
 | A Month of Gifts The gift of Christmas can come any time! Celebrate the coming of the Christ child each week as a special family time to explore the full Christmas story. Consider ways to honor Jesus all year! |
 | The Greatest Gift For our children to understand the essence of Christmas, parents must instill in them the meaning of Jesus' great gift — the gift of love that embraces the world. Consider new ways to give to those in need this year! |
 | Keeping Christ in Christmas! Keeping the Christ in Christmas is the best gift of all. It makes for a holiday that is filled with peace, comfort and joy, and meaningful gifts. There are many ways to share the true meaning of Christmas. |