2010 Passport Q&A
Teachers, the following pages have detailed questions and activities from each tour. Print out a copy of each activity page for your student's passports. Don't forget to print the stamps for the upper right corner of each page.
Jericho to Jerusalem
The Temptations of Jesus, The Good Samaritan, Jesus' Birth, Story of the Rock (Abraham is Tested)

The Temple
Jesus Age 12 with the Doctors, Jesus' Cleansing of the Temple, Peter and John Heal the Lame Man

Below the City
Digging of Hezekiah's Tunnel, Man Born Blind, Man Healed of Disability

Above the City
Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls

The Passion Week
Palm Sunday Road, Upper Room, Garden of Gethsemane, Caiaphas' House, Garden Tomb
