What do we do when we see others, maybe the social outcasts, by themselves? |  Can your attitude really make you successful in your work or friendships? |  Check out these awesome Psalms, written by 6th and 7th graders. |
 Nimo Patel is a hip-hop music artist and humanitarian who spends his time helping others-making a difference in their lives. |  Do we find ourselves doing things to be noticed? God already approves of us! |  When others requires us to do something, what's our response? Can we go the extra mile? |
 Is it true that words (posts and tweets) can never hurt? What's the effect of angry posts or tweets? |  Will you be "the salt of the earth - the light of the world" today? How? |  Do you have the courage, love to turn off the screens? It'll be the best gift you give yourself and others. |
 How do we respond to disaster? |  What's your weather today? |  How some teenagers are taking a stand |
 Let's move toward togetherness so we can work in unity. |  Let's shift our focus to unity, peace, and gentleness to face issues and problems |  Need gift ideas? Here are gifts to give to yourself, your friends, and even to opponents or enemies, which can bring peace and healing. |
 Appreciating others actually helps us feel better, too. Here's how to bring joy. |  What's your #1 goal for the school year? Is it the highest goal? How do we achieve it? |  Can we be like the sun and shine love on everyone regardless of how they act? |
 Being open to cultural differences such as meal-time and restaurant norms, makes us more accepting, less judgmental. |  Jacob shares how disconnecting and taking alone time to reflect helps him make good choices. |  How to Survive Group Projects, a lesson from the Tower of Babel and the Day of Pentecost. |
 Nancy Humphrey Case leads Bible study at prison, helping inmates answer questions about God, God's Love and goodness. |  Nancy Humphrey Case's horsemanship programs build character, community, and changes lives through love |  Jesus' life shows the importance of serving others. Sarah Bell, former librarian in Sitka, AK, served her community with outreach programs. |
 Sarah Bell shares what she has learned about touching lives by living the Golden Rule.
|  What are we listening to? It makes a difference! |  Take the stress out of tests. Pray. Tell God what you need. |
 Here are ways to use social media to appreciate and help others and stop the hurt. |  Even in times of drought and severe lack of water, we can turn to God for answers. It's God who blesses us, and gives us everything we need. |  Practicing kindness is living the Golden Rule and loving others. |
 Our prayers and thoughts make a big difference in world events. |  A woman's constant giving and loving attitude toward those around her is an inspiration. |  At the end of three-month journey around Europe, Corey Fedde was on a bus, tired, hungry, negative, when a woman showed him great kindness. |
 Jeanne Sparks prepared students to play hymns in their own churches to serve God, others. |  This Christmas what really matters is the Christ spirit—that absolute love that sees the good in others and refuses to get upset at the little things in life. |  Raised in fatherless, abusive home, the gang became a surrogate family for Mike Ritter. The care and love of teachers changed his life. |
 As we grow up, our peers tend to have more influence on us than our parents. So it's vitally important that we make good friends. |  What can we do for others? Let's shift our focus from getting to giving. |  What do you do when you lose someone you love? Find out here how one teen found a way to get over grief and get back to expressing God after her Dad passed away. |
 God's law of harmony is always in effect—so you can even pray about car trouble and whether to accept a job! Find out how one woman did just that. |  What is an important part of being a Christian? Giving! Check out this thoughtful list of how you can help others. |  Some might argue that doing the right thing all the time might be boring. But it's actually really fun! Learn how one Mom taught her kids to love to be good here. |
 Let the Holy Spirit run loose in your church! Let go of preconceived notions and connect deeply with your fellow church members. |  Do you want to be free of the past? Hearing others share their experiences gives you the strength to move on. |  Are limits set in stone? Absolutely not! See how shifting to an attitude of positive expectation removes so-called limits. |
 Why be happy? Because it's your (and everyone's) natural state! Find out how one woman uses this idea as she works with horses. |  Do traffic jams drive you crazy? Consider a change of attitude—and actually have fun as you inch along! |  How can you be more satisfied with your life? Make sure it's God-centered! |
 What's moral courage? What are the benefits? Find out here. |  Music can tangibly make you feel closer to your fellow man—and to God. It's a beautiful expression of the one Mind. |  A mom and daughter stopped to be still, listen to wind in trees, express gratitude to God. |
 What does Jesus' life mean to you? Take a moment to deeply consider this important question. |  Prisoners can change and become productive members of society. Just like each one of us, they just need someone to listen to them compassionately! |  Looking for love? Look no further than to God, who lovingly answers your prayers. Just ask Abraham's servant! |
 Feeling like you lack purpose? That you have nothing to contribute? Turn that around—God gives you special talents that you can use to bless others today. |  While teaching prisoners how to nurture a garden, Mark learned that the opportunity to give can be transformative. Find out how he's working to improve prisoner's lives through gardening. |  Unpack the Lord's Prayer, line by line, with this thoughtful peace. Revitalize the way you think about it! |
 Check out how F.O.C.U.S., a non-profit organization, is impacting its community through organic farming and so much more! |  How can you truly feel connected to the Bible in a deep, personal way? |  How can church make a difference in your life? The community you gain there is invaluable in many ways. |
 Can prayer help when people aren't getting along well? Yes. Read how Adam prayed his way through grad school team projects. |  The Christian Science Monitor is actively working to bless the world. How? |  Anyone can be a mother, in a way, because anyone can express the spiritual qualities of motherhood. What are these qualities? |
 Yo, have you ever tried to rap about spiritual ideas? It's really fun! Ben gave it a try, and here's what he came up with. |  When something gets lost—pray! |  What's more productive than worrying? Psst—it's also much more fun! |
 Don't shy away from challenges—embrace them, like these Middle Eastern women do. |  When considering what to give someone, don't just buy any old thing. Prayerfully consider it. |  Deciding not to engage in gossip transforms an annoying situation. |
 Helping women who have AIDS proves to be an uplifting experience. |  How can we create a bully-free environment? |  Dealing with peer pressure? Find out how to overcome it lovingly. |
 How can God help you solve problems? Mark shows how he prays while inventing. |  How can the Golden Rule apply to family relationships? Here's one important example. |  Don't wait around—forgive now and be free! Find out how one forgave her abusive mother—and was deeply blessed, too! |
 When you pray, sometimes God sends you some wacky-sounding ideas. Find out how a college student creatively resolved a problem with his roommate. |  What does it mean to be religious? Check out one teenager's take. |  How can you support others on their spiritual journeys? One organization is doing it by offering a community space for learning and prayer. |
 If you're just a kid, can the Good Samaritan story have any relevance to your life? You bet! |  What's the impact of a single ray of light? Does it affect everything around it? |  Be grateful for a fruitful season now and always! A cornucopia device makes it memorable and fun. |
 How can you move from judgment to friendship? Kristen shows how it's done. |  Take a leap! You can be confident that God will always catch you. |  Have you ever tried to be popular? That can feel so contrived. Instead, simply express your God-given qualities, and be at peace. |
 Do you or do you know someone who does drugs? How can you help yourself or him/her think about and heal this? |  Find out how a shift in Tiffany's thinking made her appreciate the opportunity to witness and be God's expression—no matter what she's up to! |  How can you apply the Golden Rule when people are gossiping? Allex fills you in. |
 Why is forgiveness important? What are the benefits of forgiving? |  God is always with us, no matter what, and God gives us tools to get out of whatever situation we're facing. |  Single? Attached? It doesn't matter, either way—you can always express Love! |
 Follow the Golden Rule in daily life by loving, not judging, others (and yourself!). |  Make sure you don't take your family for granted—parents and siblings are blessings to be grateful for! |  Choose: what are you voting for each moment—God or trouble? Think about it! |
 How do you know if you're doing the right thing? How can we tell which decision is the best one? Bud shares his insights. |  The story of Gideon inspires a teenager to persevere during a challenging football season. |  A mountain climber completes a rigorous journey by fully relying on God. Sweet!! |
 When a Sunday School invited Casey to be as a guest speaker, she didn't know what to expect. What she found were students who were super dedicated to God and healing all the time! |  Josh gives gratitude for his high school coaches, who express pure fatherhood. |  A birth mother finds the perfect home for her child—and everyone rejoices! |
 Don't let fear manipulate you! Marshall broke the cycle of fear and ended up enjoying his rock-climbing trip. |  Just do your thing—you never know who's watching who will be inspired by your example! |  Hearing people gossip all the time can be so annoying! How can you put a stop to it? |
 When people are being exclusive, be like Daniel—stand up for what's right, no matter what. |  How can you support the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan? Send care packages! |  It's no coincidence when a hiker sees a beautiful sign from God. |
 Did you know that opening up your home to others is a fun way of expressing God? |  Feeling overly busy? Open up your schedule to someone in need—you'll be so glad you did! You'll put a smile on both your faces. |  Always choose to help if you see someone who needs it. You'll be fulfilling John's advice to "love one another." |
 The spirit of gratitude is in every act of kindness. |  This Father's Day, how can you let your dad know you appreciate him in a meaningful way? Here are some ideas to get you started. |  Focus in on loving your mom. Thoughtfully show your appreciation for all she has done for you. And if your relationship with her isn't doing that well right now, pray, pray, pray! |
 Be creative as you look for ways to help others! God will prepare the way for you since you have good motives. |  Sometimes loving your neighbor is easier said than done. But it's God's will—and you can do it, with His help! |  Do you have 10 minutes to dedicate to improving your life? Challenge yourself to stay committed to growing each day. |
 Be a gentle listener as you pray about leaders in governments around the world. |  Think about what tone of voice you use as you speak, and discipline yourself to always communicate love and compassion. |  Don't let laziness, peer pressure, competition keep us from doing our best. Paul tells us to get to work; no excuses. |
 Walk with confidence! It comes from God. Focus on giving, not receiving—it's much more fun! |  Focus on seeing the worthiness of everyone, and be inclusive. |  Nothing can take away your joy—it comes from God! |
 Be free! Love abundantly in church and everywhere else you go. |  Make a difference every day when you have the right attitude—it's infectious! |  Have you ever thought about your life as a letter |
 Resurrection—it's not just for Jesus. |  Give your life over to God—and be a rebel! |  Get creative—leap over those mental blocks, with God's help. |
 Don't let criticism get under your skin—and challenge yourself not to criticize anyone. |  In any situation, no matter what, there's good going on. Look for it. |  Be kind—it seems like a simple idea, but it has profound results. |
 When disaster strikes, what can you do? Start with prayer. |  Get your mindset right before starting any new endeavor—including a new school year. |  Listen up! Think about it—what are the key ingredients of your life? |
 Looking for some spiritual food for thought this summer? Check out some Bible-related teen magazines. |  How can you be more humble and courageous in your daily life? |  Open your heart to the Joel and Amos' wisdom. |
 Take action to help those in need—whether that be in the form of donations, prayer, or ideally, both! |  In ways big and small, everyone is a leader. How can you be a more effective one? |  Have you ever thought about how the Golden Rule applies to taking care of the earth? |
 What's your #1 priority? How about LOVE? |  Start with genuinely loving yourself—then loving others! |  Take a few moments to sit down and write a thank you note. You'll be glad you did! |
 Consider forming a wisdom circle to further your spiritual growth. |  Pray for the world, then write your own psalm and share it with others. |  How can you be a better friend? |
 Want to help, but don't know how? Here are some great ideas to get you started. |  What do you want? Like Jabez, humbly take it to God. |  In tough situations, is God still all-powerful? Elijah and Elisha proved the answer to be a resounding "yes." |
 Like Samuel and Nathan, you can listen to God and know just what to do—always. |  Don't give in to fear! Stand up for what's right and you will win. |  Resolve to put God first every day. Now that a resolution that's worth keeping! |
 Selflessly help others and remember the Christ at Christmastime. |  Gratitude is powerful! Let it overflow in your heart, which blesses others, too. |  Be a God-inspired leader, like Joshua. |
 How can you pray about terrorism? Remember that God is always present—leaving no room for oppressors or victims. |  Amplify your understanding of the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Commandments—they apply to your life in so many ways! |  Celebrate freedom by giving freely! |
 Having a strong sense of integrity is incredibly important, Joseph found—and you will, too! |  Asking for forgiveness takes courage, but it brings amazing results! |  Humbly make a difference in your community. Start now! |
 Don't give up! Be persistent when the going gets tough. |  Like Abraham, be a peacemaker! |  Helping others doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. Here are some simple ways you can give. |