Holy Land Tours (Games/Stories)
Sunday School Projects & Activities
Fun & Games
- Abigail's Offering - Color or circle the items Abigail offers to David after Nabal offends him
- All About Delphi - Listen to the Holy Land tour of Delphi then answer the questions
- Amazing Paul and Barnabas (Maze) - Using information in Acts 13-14 find each city in the maze in the order that Paul and Barnabas visited them on their first missionary journey
- Amphitheater Maze - Find your way through the amphitheater maze in Pisidian Antioch
- Artifact Maze - Guide the archaeologist through the maze to find the artifacts.
- Bible Olympics (Older Children) - Choose the best Bible character for each competition.
- Bible Olympics (Younger Children) - Choose the best Bible character for each competition.
- The Birth of Jesus (Crossword) - Find the answers to this puzzle in Luke 2:1-12
- Break the Code (Abraham and Isaac) - Discover what Abraham sacrificed instead of Isaac
- Break the Code - Hagar Discovers God - Using the symbols discover the meaning of Ishmael's name and the name Hagar gives to God
- Break the Code - Paul and Barnabas - Paul and Barnabas' message to the Jews from Acts 13:46
- Choices (Laodicea) - Circle the objects John suggests show the church members love for God
- Church to Freedom Maze - Find your from the church altar underground to freedom
- Coded Message (Pamphylia) - Decode Paul's message about being guided by the Spirit
- Coded Message (Philemon) - Decode a message from Paul to Philemon regarding Onesimus
- Color by Number Early Christian Greek Church - Use the code to color the church window
- Coloring Page - Balaam and the Donkey
- Coloring Page - Barnabas Preaching
- Coloring Page - Barnabas Welcomes Saul
- Coloring Page - Color by Number (Laodicea)
- Coloring Page - Jesus Heals the Blind Man
- Coloring Page - Monk Praying
- Coloring Page - Mount Tabor is Our First Stop on the Holy Land Tour
- Coloring Page - Olympic Runner
- Coloring Page - Packing Our Bibles for the Holy Land Tour
- Coloring Page - Paul Heals a Lame Man in Lystra
- Coloring Page - Paul Writing a Letter
- Coloring Page - Sailing to Cyprus
- Coloring Page - The Angel Telling the Shepherds the Good News
- Coloring Page - The Fall of Jericho
- Coloring Page - The Good Samaritan Caring for the Injured Man
- Coloring Page - Timothy and Paul in Lystra
- Coloring Page - Tricks in Troy
- Corinth Canal - Listen to the Holy Land tour about the Corinth Canal and mark the statements as true or false.
- Create the Picture (Saul is Blind) - Draw the picture for the news story of Jesus speaking to Saul
- Create Your Own City - Create your own diagram of an underground city
- Crossword Puzzle (Smyrna) - Finish each sentence with a word or words from our Smyrna tour
- Cup Maze - Find your way through the cup maze
- David Finds His Way Out - Saul is asleep help David find his way to safety
- David Flees from Saul - Read the story and find your way through the maze to the cave where David is hiding
- Delphi to Olympia - Use the directions to find your way from Delphi to Olympia
- Draw a Greek Temple - After visiting our tour of Olympia (Part 2) and learning about Greek temples, having fun drawing your own temple.
- Draw Your Own Fresco - Draw what you imagine would drawn on the fresco of the church walls
- Fairy Chimneys - Draw what your own home might have looked like in biblical times
- Fill In (Philadelphia) - Listen to the Philadelphia tour and fill in the blanks to complete the facts
- Fill in the Blanks (Laodicea) - Listen to the Laodicea tour and complete the sentences
- Find it on the Map - Put the list of cities in Paul's journey in order and then draw the route on the map.
- Find the Name - ind the letters to discover the name of the flat mountain in Lystra
- The Good Samaritan (Crossword) - Fit words from the story of the Good Samaritan into the puzzle
- Good Samaritan Maze - Follow the paths to find out which man helps the man in trouble
- Greek Alphabet Practice - Practice writing the lower-case letters of the Greek alphabet
- Greek and Roman Gods - Match the Greek gods with their Roman names
- Greek Gods and Planets - Write the planet that matches the names of the Greek god
- Greek Temple (Older Children) - Label the different parts of the Greek Temple.
- Help Him Out - Guide the man through the maze to Jericho
- Hermit Maze - Help the hermit return to his cave
- Holy Land Tour Scramble - Rearrange the letters to reveal places we've visited in 2009
- Land Bridge - What is the name of a land bridge that used to exist between Greece and the island of the Peloponnese.
- Let's Translate - After listening to the holy land tour on Athens, translate the words from Greek to English.
- Love's Qualities - Circle all the words that describe the qualities of agape or Love.
- Luke 19:2-8 Zacchaeus - Connect the dots to find out who's in the tree
- Map It - Missionary Tour of Turkey - Answer questions to identify specific cities Paul traveled to on the map.
- Match the Church - Draw a line to match the church and descriptions
- Match the Piece: Hagar and Ishmael - Cut out the puzzle pieces and create a picture of Hagar and Ishmael
- Maze (Colossae) - Help Onesimus escape Philemon and find his way to Paul in Rome
- Meteora Quiz - Listen to or read the Holy Land tour on Meteora and answer the questions
- Missing Picture/Missing Wall - Draw a picture for the news article about the wall of Jericho
- Mosaic by Numbers - A color by number of a mosaic tile floor in a church
- Mountain Maze - Paul and Barnabas are traveling to Pisidian Antioch. Help them find their way through the maze.
- Muddled Facts! - Read Luke 10:30-37 and correct the mistakes in what the rescued man said to the inn keeper
- Mycenae - Fill in the blanks to the sentences. Then search for those words in the box.
- New Testament Jumble - Unscramble the names of the New Testament books
- New Testament People - Unscramble the name of people from the New Testament
- Old Testament People - Unscramble the names of people from the Old Testament
- Old Testament Unscramble - Unscramble the names of the books in the Old Testament
- The Olympics (Fill In) - Read about the Olympics in the holy land tour of Olympia and fill in the missing letters.
- Pack Your Suitcase - Draw or cut out pictures of the items to pack for your adventures
- Parthenon in Numbers - After listening to the holy land tour on Athens, answer the questions.
- Paul and Corinth (Word Search) - Listen to the Corinth holy land tour, write the missing words in the blanks, and circle the words in the puzzle.
- Paul and the Athenians - Read about Paul in Athens, on the Athens Holy Land tour, and mark each statement as true or false.
- Paul's Qualities - Circle the words that describe Paul's qualities.
- Paul's Words - Trace the words from Paul's speech to the Athenians.
- Philadelphia Road Maze - Follow the stone roads of Philadelphia to the theater
- Philippi Timeline - Listen to "Paul's Invitation to Greece" holy land tour and fill in the blanks for events on the timeline
- Places Scramble - Unscramble the names of places Paul and Silas visited in Greece
- Poppies Color by Number - Color the poppies
- Put People on the Bus - Add people to the bus by cutting out pictures, drawing, or photos
- Pythia Scramble - Read about the oracle in the Delphi Holy Land tour and put the activities in the correct order
- Quiz for the Bus - Use the material from the Holy Land of Turkey from 2011 to answer these questions about Paul
- Scramble - Unscramble words from "Paul's Invitation to Greece" holy land tour to answer the questions
- Scramble! The 7 Churches - John wrote letters to 7 churches, unscramble their names
- Ship Maze - Help the ship from Macedonia find it's way to Paul.
- Shipwreck Jumble - Read the story of Paul's shipwreck in Acts 28. Then put the events from the story in the correct order.
- Spot the Difference - Find ten differences between the two pictures of Boaz marrying Ruth
- Stairway to Heaven - Add or subtract letters to learn about Jacob's stairway of angels to heaven
- A Talking Donkey - Use the dial-a-message code to find out what the angel told Balaam
- Time in Thessalonica - Listen to the holy land tour, Paul's Invitation to Greece. Then mark the statements as true or false.
- Translate and Draw (Hierapolis) - Translate and draw the Greek work "ichthys"
- True or False (Laodicea) - Listen to the Laodicea tour and mark the statements as true or false
- Underground City - Decorate the rooms in this underground city like the ones in Cappadocia
- Underground Maze - Help the people of Cappadocia through the underground city
- Unscramble (Pamphylia) - Unscramble words from the Pamphylia holy land tour
- What Did They Do? - Circle the daily activities of the monks of Meteora
- What I Learned from Jesus and the Temptations - Questions about Jesus and the Temptations
- What's in the Stable? - For younger children – have them identify the things that might have been in the stable where Jesus was born.
- Which Route for David - Determine which route David should take as he flees King Saul
- Who Am I? (Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses) - Read the question and right the name of the corresponding god or goddess
- Who Am I? (Holy Land Tour) - Choose whether Lydia or the slave is the best answer to each question.
- A Wife for Isaac - Read the story about Abraham's servant search for a wife for Isaac and untangle the ropes for the camels
- Wise Men Worship Jesus - Addition problems uncover the code to complete the sentences
- Word Maze (Hierapolis) - Follow the lines and unscramble a word from the Hierapolis tour
- Word Search (Abraham and Isaac) - Circle words from the story of Abraham and Isaac
- Word Search (Colossae) - A fun word search with words from the Colossae holy land tour
- Word Search (Ephesus) - Have fun finding words from our tour of Ephesus
- Word Search (Meteora) - Circle words from the Holy Land tour about Meteora
- Word Search (Philadelphia) - Have fun finding words from our tour of Philadelphia
- Word Search (Sardis) - Have fun finding words from our tour of Sardis
- Word Search (The Olympics) - Circle words from the Holy Land tour of Olympia
- Word Search—Philippi - Circle words from Paul and Silas' visit to Philippi in the holy land tour "Paul's Invitation to Greece"
- Word Search—Thessalonica - Circle words from Paul and Silas' visit to Thessalonica in the holy land tour "Paul's Invitation to Greece"
- Words From Paul - Use the number code to discover Paul's message to believers
- Zacchaeus - Help Jesus find the right path to Zacchaeus' house
Read a Story
2015 (2nd Stop) - Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses
2016 (1st Stop) - Olympia (Part 2)
2009 (6th Stop) - David and Saul in the Cave Read 1 Samuel 24 2011 (1st Stop) - Saul Meets Barnabas Read Acts 11:19-30; 12:24-25 2011 (1st- 4th Stops) - First Missionaries Read Acts 13:1-14:7 2011 (5th Stop) - Preaching in Pisidian Antioch Read Acts 13:14-52 2011 (6th Stop) - Paul and Barnabas Preach at Iconium Read Acts 14:1-5 2011 (7th Stop) - Paul Stoned Read Acts 14:19-25 2011 (7th Stop) - Paul Heals a Lame Man Read Acts 14:8-18 2015 (1st Stop) - Paul's Invitation to Greece Read Acts 15-17 2013 (11th Stop) - Ephesus (Part 2) Read Acts 19:8-12; 13-20; 23-41;Revelation 2:1-7 2013 (14th Stop) - Miletus Read Acts 20:13-38; 2013 (14th Stop) - Alexandria Troas Read Acts 20:5-12; 2013 (1st Stop) - Pamphylia Seaside Roman Cities Read Acts 2:1-11 (Pamphylia at Pentecost); Acts 13:13,14 (First visit to Perga); Acts 14:24-25 (Seco 2011 (1st Stop) - Saul is Blinded by the Light Read Acts 9:1-8 2011 (1st Stop) - Saul is Healed Read Acts 9:9-19 2013 (2nd Stop) - Colossae Read Colossians 1-4 (Advice to Three Churches); Col 1:7, 4:12 (Epaphras); 2009 (2nd Stop) - Abram and Sarai Travel Read Genesis 12:1-5 2010 (5th Stop) - Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac Read Genesis 22:1-19 2009 (2nd Stop) - Isaac Gets a Wife Read Genesis 24:1-67 2009 (2nd Stop) - Jacob Stealing the Birthright Read Genesis 27:1-45 2009 (2nd Stop) - Jacob's Ladder Read Genesis 28:10-22 2009 (2nd Stop) - Jacob Wrestling Read Genesis 32:1-31 2009 (2nd Stop) - Elijah is fed by Ravens Read I Kings 17:1-7 2009 (6th Stop) - The Fall of Jericho Read Joshua 6 2010 (2nd Stop) - The Good Samaritan Parable Read Luke 10:25-35 2009 (6th Stop) - Zacchaeus Read Luke 19: 1-10 2009 (6th Stop) - Blind Bartimaeus Read Mark 10:46-52 2009 (1st Stop) - Transfiguration Read Mark 9:2-9 2010 (1st Stop) - The Temptation of Jesus Read Matt 4:1-11 2010 (3rd Stop) - The Nativity Story Read Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-15 and Luke 1:26-56, 2:1-20 2009 (4th Stop) - Journey of the Wise Men Read Matthew 2:1-12 2009 (3rd Stop) - Balaam and the Donkey Read Numbers 22-24:13 2013 (3rd Stop) - Philemon Onesimus, the Slave, Becomes a Christian Read Philemon 1 (Story of Onesimus) 2010 (4th Stop) - Pilgrim Songs Read Psalm 122 2011 (8th Stop) - Lystra (Timothy) - Timothy Joins Paul on a Second Journey Read Read Phil 2:20,22; 1 Cor 4:17 and 16:10 2013 (5th Stop) - Letters to Seven Churches Read Rev 1:20; 2:1-11; 3:1-22 2013 (10th Stop) - Ephesus (Part 1) Read Rev 2:1-7; Story of Priscilla and Aquila Acts 18:1-3, 18-21; Story of Apollos Acts 18:24-28; Jo 2013 (12th Stop) - Pergamum Read Rev 2:12-17; 2009 (3rd Stop) - Ruth Leaving Home Read Ruth 1
Holy Land Tours
- Corinth - Paul meets his good friends Priscilla and Aquila who help him spread God's word.
- Corinth Canal - As we cross the Corinth Canal, to join Paul in Athens, we'll learn about the history of the canal.
- Crete - On the way to Rome with Paul, we stop at the islands Patmos, Rhodes and Crete.
- Delphi - In Delphi we'll visit the famous temple of Apollo and sanctuary of Athena.
- From Delphi to Olympia - Traveling to Olympia we learn about the Olympics and Paul's letters which compare life as a Christian to athletic activities
- Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses - Kelsey won the Athena Gold Medal Award for the 5th Grade National Mythology Exam in June of 2014. She shares her findings during our travels through the holy land.
- Malta - Paul spent three months on Malta. There were many healings including his own healing from a viper bite.
- Mycenae - We'll have fun exploring with Henry Schliemann on his many archaeological digs. Like Henry, we'll discover some of the wonders of Mycenae and learn about history along the way.
- Olympia (Part 1) - Learn about this history and travels of the Olympic torch
- Olympia (Part 2) - As we continue our tour of Olympia, Greece, we'll learn about many of the myths surrounding Olympia and learn more of Olympia's rich history.
- Rome - Paul requests to see the Roman Emperor, Caesar. While in Rome, Paul continues to spread the message of Christ Jesus.
- Sounion - While we visit Sounion we learn about Paul's famous letter on love in I Corinthians chapter 13.